Is 3D Movies Better Than 2D?

Yesterday I watched the new Iron Man 3 at Sony Center. The film’s not bad, but it is not as great as I expected it, maybe because I have a huge expectation for this film because I find both the previous film was great. But when I think about it now, there is another reason that increased my disappointment for this film. I watched the 3D version. I personally hate 3D movies, and I will tell you why.

I already wear a glasses. The uncomfortable when I’am wearing 2 glasses at the same time. Every 15 minute or so, I have to adjust the 3D glasses. other than that, I have to buy the glasses.

Hurt my eyes. I have to adjust my eye’s focus with every changing scene. And when I was walking home after the movie, my eyes hurt like when I played video game for 10 hour. And I think that many medical research will prove my point.

I have to pay more for the obvious reason.

The Iron man 3 is not “real 3D”. The studio is faking the 3D by converting 2D films into 3D post-production.

Lesson learned. I should have checked before purchase the ticket, is it 3D or 2D, bring my own 3D glasses, and check the are the movie real 3D or not if I have to watch the 3D version?

Anyone have another opinion why 3D movies is bad? 😀

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