Question For Iron Man 3

I watched Iron Man 3 when it’s first showing in Berlin. And if you continue reading this article, I think that you have watched it too. Why? Because Iron Man 3 is a pretty good film. And second, there will be spoilers in the article. As a fan of the Iron Man series, I have a lot of question and a lot of disappointment regarding Iron Man 3.

1. Why Tell Your Enemy on Live TV and not Ready for a Fight?

I mean, if you tell your enemy where you most vulnerable is, why don’t he prepare something like radar system or air missiles? With the help of J.A.R.V.I.S, he can tell it for make a defence system on the way home. Tony Start has always been a hot-blooded person, but he never underestimate his enemy.

2. Why is the Extremist Terrorist so Over Powered?

So by edit the DNA, the soldiers are supposed to be an immortal, but the downside is that becoming an unstable bomb device. But why make it more like a Japanese comics that can fire-breathing and instantly be mastering acrobatic combat moves?

3. Where Is SHIELD Doing/Where Did They Go?

I know, this is not AVENGERS, but Tony Stark is having a glimpse where he go to the outer space inside Iron Man 3 movies. America is under attack, and the president is threatened. It is all the reason for Nick Fury and the team to show up. But if the SHIELD is not showing up, a simple explanation would be enough for me.

4. If the Mandarin Is only an Actor, Why’s There A Captain America’s Shield Tattoo on His Neck?


Why does it have captain america’s shield? It has bugged me for the whole movie. If he is only an actor, then what is the meaning of the tattoo?

5. What Will Happen In Avengers 2

As we know, that Tony Stark Have Already Remove the Shrapnel From His Chest. Does it means that there will be no Iron Man in the next Avengers? If so, I think that all the Avengers fans will be very disappointed. Because Iron Man is the main point why Avenger so awesome is.

Does anyone have lingering questions about Iron Man 3 or answer for my question?

One thought on “Question For Iron Man 3

  1. I’m always interested in the subtext, your questions are quite detailed (I have no idea!). I felt that most of the actors (except Kingsley) were phoning it in, which is what happens to series with the same cast (unlike Batman e.g.). Mattel at this point is a multi-billion-dollar money making machine and follows the laws by which such machines must operate.

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